Install Microsoft Windows for Student Use

This page has instructions for students to get a product key for Windows 11 Education Edition, which can be used while a student to do things like install Windows in a virtual machine to do homework with Windows software packages. The product key is required to activate your installed copy of Windows.

If you need the Windows OS software for a virtual machine, which comes in the format of an ISO file (like a DVD, but saved into a file), you can go to and get the file there. Mac users on Apple Silicon hardware (M1, M2, M3, or M4 processors) will want the ARM version of Windows. Everyone else will want the x64 / Intel version of Windows.

If you need VMware software so you can run a virtual machine on your computer, please check our page with download instructions for VMware.

To get a Windows product key:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your [email protected] to sign in to the site. You should see the standard JH login pages.
  3. Upon signing in, you may be asked to agree to the terms and conditions (for first time users). If not, you should be routed to the Education | Overview page.
  4. To see software available, please click Software (1) located on the left-hand side of the page
  5. Pick “Windows 11 Education” of the latest version (2) as the software.
  6. Hit the ‘View Key’ button (3) to generate a product key. Copy and paste that out to somewhere you’ll be able to find it again.
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