Research Computing

There is a fantastic array of computing services available at Johns Hopkins, but identifying the correct path to follow to get the resources distributed across the institution can be daunting. WSE IT is available to guide you through the process of finding WSE, IT@JH, HPC, and cloud resources. We are a one-stop shop to give you discover and access everything Hopkins offers.

Service Offerings

WSE IT has a support team of more than twenty IT professionals, including six specialists who combine to bring more than 100 years of research computing support experience. The WSE IT team has experts in:

  • Utilizing University colocation and condo offerings
  • Gaining access to University HPC and storage offerings
  • Satisfying the security requirements of your research data and funding sources
  • Understanding access to current campus software licenses and help with procuring and installing new licenses when needed
  • Custom cluster scheduling with SLURM Workload Manager and Sun Grid Engine (SGE)
  • Custom large-scale storage systems and filesystem support, with more than 10 petabytes under team management
  • Custom server and network specifications for unique research requirements and ordering those systems through JH procurement processes
  • Hardware, software, operating system installation, maintenance, and patching
  • Azure and AWS subscription support for
    • Infrastructure VMs
    • Teaching / simulation environments
    • “Bursted” research compute for CPU and GPU cycles
    • Leveraging credits for cloud granted for research

Research Cluster Support

A selection of the departmental or center research clusters supported by WSE IT includes:

  • 2,588 CPU cores 
  • 86,000 CUDA cores 
  • 8TB RAM 
  • 200TB storage
  • 2,000 CPU cores 
  • 1,800,000 CUDA cores 
  • 9TB RAM
  • 500TB storage 

  • 2,000 CPU cores 
  • 400,000 CUDA cores 
  • 10TB RAM
  • 5PB storage 
  • 1,000 CPU cores 
  • 1,000,000 CUDA cores 
  • 6.4TB RAM
  • 500TB storage 

Get Started

Get started right now. Contact [email protected] to engage our consultative and system administration services. Talk to us in advance of your project to ensure your security and capacity (especially power and cooling) requirements can be met in a timely manner. We can consult on existing IT / HPC resources, give ideas of what peers are doing to solve their problems, give procurement and component availability advice, discuss software licensing… whatever you need to get your science done.

More Reading

Here are some resources you might find useful:

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